
Warehouse is a Fixed Income Fund whose objective is to acquire standardized Real Estate Credit Certificates (CCIs), in order to pool high grade credits for securitization, via the issuance of CRIs by partner securitization companies.
To achieve this objective, the Warehouse Fund guarantees the purchase of CCIs originated by Developers who have subscribed to the Standardized Credit Program (PPRI), as long as the credits are conforming.
The CCIs are acquired directly from the developers upon registration at Cetip.

Registration Information on the Fund.

Name: Warehouse I Fundo de Investimento em Renda Fixa Crédito Privado - Longo prazo
Tax ID: 08.705.880/0001-03
Current Situation: Active

Service Providers

Investment Advisor: Companhia Nacional de Recebíveis
Auditors: KPMG Auditores Independentes
Quota Distributor: PAVARINI DTVM LTDA
Custodian: Banco Santander S/A
Treasury Services: Banco Santander S/A
Security Processing: Banco Santander S/A
Portfolio Manager: PAVARINI DTVM LTDA
Servicing Agent: MSFI - Monitoramento e Serviços Financeiros Imobiliários Ltda.

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